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和平美神 环球之旅

和平美神 环球之旅

纪念联合国国际科学与和平周二十六周年 国际科学与和平周中国组织委员会 中国对外文化交流协会
  和平美神 环球之旅   第二十六届国际科学和平周开幕式   和平美神 环球之旅
  纪念联合国国际科学与和平周二十六周年在全国政协礼堂举办          “和平犹如空气和阳光”(习近平语),是人类最基本的生存条件,也是世界人民共同的美好意愿。但是,有史以来,战争就不断地发生着。战争受害最惨重的就是妇女和儿童,战争夺走了他们的家园,夺走了他们的亲人和他们的生命。     西班牙画家毕加索创作的《格尔尼卡》,控诉了德国法西斯发动侵略战争的罪恶。 和平美神 环球之旅   《格尔尼卡》毕加索

和平美神 环球之旅

和平美神 环球之旅

和平美神 环球之旅
   画家薛林兴和两个女儿薛海鹰,薛海燕历经十年的创意,构思,创作,完成了巨幅中国画《和平美神》。   和平美神 环球之旅     画面上黑,黄,白三种肤色的美神,黑人美神翘首放飞和平鸽,白人美神一手持橄榄枝,一手呵护着白,黑肤色的两个嬉戏的儿童,东方美神双手托举着一个天真可爱的孩子,鲜花在天空飘散着。和平鸽自由地飞翔,五彩祥云迎接着冉冉升起的太阳。
和平美神 环球之旅   英国原首相布莱尔题词“让世界从满爱”
  和平美神 环球之旅   题词是在“和平美神 环球之旅”国际国内巡回画展行动中进行的。巡展和题词活动将在中国和世界各国继续进行!   和平美神 环球之旅   希腊原总理西米蒂斯题词“我们需要对话,需要讨论。”

和平美神 环球之旅

和平美神 环球之旅
和平美神 环球之旅   布隆迪领导人热尔韦•鲁菲基里为《和平美神》题写和平祝词

和平美神 环球之旅

和平美神 环球之旅
  《和平美神》缩版丝绸画 赠送斯里兰卡总理贾亚拉特纳   和平美神 环球之旅
  巴巴多斯前总理桑迪福德爵士为《和平美神》题写和平祝词   和平美神 环球之旅   匈牙利总理迈杰西•彼得来薛林兴美术馆参观访问   和平美神 环球之旅

和平美神 环球之旅

和平美神 环球之旅

和平美神 环球之旅
   薛林兴获得第二十六届国际科学与和平贡献奖   和平美神 环球之旅   薛林兴在联合国新闻总部   和平美神(英文)   “Peace is likeare and sunshine.”(Chairman Xi Jinping) Peace is the basic living conditions ofhuman being and the common good wishes of people all over the world, however,we are constantly suffering wars. The worst victims are women and childrenbecause wars take their homeland, their relatives, and their lives.        “CarlGurney”, painted by Picasso, the Spanish painter, accused the crimes ofGermanyfascistof launching aggressive war. “Displaced persons”, painted by Jiang Zhaohe, theChinese painter, exposed the calamities of Chinese caused by war of aggressionagainstChinaby Japanese imperialist.        Theresolution of observing the International Week of Science and Peace, passé bythe 43th Session of the UN General Assembly, represents the mind and wish of peopleof all countries. People wish all nations and all complexions could livetogether in peace, and love each other.        Thepainter Xue Linxing and his two daughters Xue HaiYing, Xue Haiyan have createdand painted a giant Chinese painting named “The Divines of Beauty and Peace”for more than ten years. There are three divines in separate complexions ofblack, yellow, and white in the picture. The black Beauty Devine raises herhead to fly doves of peace. The white Beauty Devine holds olive branch in one hand,and fondles two giocoso children with white and black complexions in the otherhand. The Orient Beauty Devine lifts a lovely child with her two hands. Theflowers and the doves of peace are flying freely in the sky. The multicoloredlucky clouds are greeting the rising sun.        TheDivines of Beauty and Peace are the avatar of love and beauty. Love is thelatex of cultivating the noble sentiments. Beauty is the angel of awakeninghuman conscience. Now eleven summit have wrote peace message on the picture,including Blair (the British former prime minister), Koroma (President ofSierra Leone), Nimes Yadav (President of Nepal), and so on. The inscription isprogressing in the action of circuit are exhibition international and domestic,entitled “The World Journey of Divines of Beauty and Peace”. The circuitexhibition and inscription will be progressing inChinaand areas all over the world.        “TheDivines of Beauty and Peace” is exhibited in memory of the 26thsession of the International Week of Science and Peace. This giant painting,with more summit of other countries’ inscription, will become the peace clarionand declaration. Let’s plug wings into the divines of beauty and peace, seeddown the seed of love and beauty all over the world, return a world of nobleeding and no tears, a homeland of kind and worm. Let the peaceful air andsunshine warm the whole world!        Blair, the British former prime minister,wrote “may the world full of love”. Raffarin, the French former prime minister,wrote “spring of life”. Samin Jone, the President of Zanzibar, wrote “this is avery brilliant thing”. Cimi Teas, theGreeceformer prime minister, wrote“we need discuss, we need talk, and we need peace even more”. Nimes Yadav,President of Nepal, and Hui Hay, the vice-president of congress ofHungarywrote “Yourappeal of world peace is good for all people”. Megyessy Peter, the former primeminister ofHungary,wrote “this is a bridge to bless the sole with tranquil, and let people toyearn for peace”. Koroma, President of Sierra Leone, wrote his name tocongratulate. Knight Sandy Ford, the former prime minister ofBarbados, wrote“peace makes the sole calm”. Ruffy Jiri, the Vice-president of Burundi, wrote “Ilove peace.” 和平美神 感召世界!   和平美神 环球之旅   父女(薛海鹰)联手创作《和平美神》

和平美神 环球之旅

和平美神 环球之旅
