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  承办单位:江苏省美术馆  剑桥大学(康河计划)文化保护项目  英国剑桥康河出版社 

  协办单位:英国保护濒临消失的世界基金会  英国江苏文化经贸协会 

  支持单位:江苏艺术基金管理中心  南京图书馆  江苏省昆剧院








  “知音千古此心同——国际艺术家眼中的中国昆曲”主旨是让世界上的更多人从视觉、听觉上了解昆曲, 从而能够更进一步弘扬中国优秀传统文化,加强东西方文化交流,增进东西方思想的沟通。



  Bosom Friends Resonating with Each Other - The Chinese Kun Opera in the Eyes of International Artists is an international exchange exhibition jointly organised by the Jiangsu Art Museum and Cambridge Rivers Project at King's College, University of Cambridge, UK. It is a project sponsored by the Art Fund of Jiangsu Province.

  The Jiangsu Art Museum is the first national art gallery established since the founding of the Republic of China. King's College was founded in 1441 and is one of the most famous colleges in University of Cambridge. Cambridge Rivers Project was founded at University of Cambridge in 1983 and is associated with King's College. Both sides have a long history and are dedicated to discovering and disseminating outstanding cultural relics of human beings. Kun Opera, one of the ‘masterpieces of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity’, is introduced to international artists. Despite the different languages, the performance of the Kun Opera artists can help narrow the gap of understanding. The exhibition has invited artists from Europe, Africa, Japan and other regions, who use their painting brushes to show their understanding on Kun Opera or Chinese culture.

  A total of 118 pieces of works have been exhibited. 69 pieces come from Cambridge, 39 pieces from Jiangsu Art Museum, and 10 pieces from the generous loan of Mr Gao Made’s family members. The exhibition aims to allow more people to learn about Kun Opera through visual and audio performance. In this way, the excellent Chinese traditional culture will be carried forward and the cultural exchanges between the East and the West will be further strengthened.





















